Wednesday, 10 June 2015

cloud watching

Day 10 of my '90 days of summer' posts; cloud watching. Have you ever laid back in the grass and just looked for shapes in the clouds? I remember doing it as a child but it is a luxury I have never afforded myself as an adult. There is always something else that needs doing; washing, ironing, cleaning etc. Yet, I suspect it is incredibly relaxing and serene - and it is free!

I have promised myself time over the summer to lay back and spend time doing this without worrying that there should be something I should be doing.

'Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass under the summer's day, listening to the murmur of the water or watching the clouds float across the sky, is by no means a waste of time,' - John Lubbock.


  1. This sounds like something I could do with right now. I might take a moment on my next child free/event free weekend to do just that x

    1. Hi Gailann
      Awww enjoy it when you do chic :-) x

  2. " Have you ever laid back in the grass and just looked for shapes in the clouds?" I remember this so much and still catch myself doing that when I'm at the park with the kids. This is such a beautiful peaceful sight :)
