Showing posts with label Instagram. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Instagram. Show all posts

Saturday, 25 January 2014

insta memoir

Just a few of my favourite Instagram moments from last month. I'd love it if you followed along with me on Instagram.

Happy weekend!

Friday, 6 December 2013

insta memoir

Moments of my life in Instagram.

Here are a few of my Instagram moments from last month. If you fancy following along with me, my link is here

Have a lovely weekend and have lots of fun.

Friday, 1 November 2013

insta memoir

Moments of my life in Instagram.

Here are a few of my Instagram moments from last month. If you fancy following along with me, my link is here. Again, lots of foodie shots and of course my beloved mojitos!

Sorry I missed a post on Wednesday. Life has caught up with me this week. We were really looking forward to a weekend away too but our car has got major problems again. It broke down on Tuesday and still hasn't been fixed yet. The joys of having a car!  

Since Steve and I moved into our house on November 1st, we have always celebrated that day as an anniversary. I was surprised with a beautiful bouquet of flowers this morning and a specially prepared breakfast in bed. He has also booked us a meal at a lovely tapas bar in our town. Hopefully ending the night with a lovely mojito!

I hope you all have a lovely weekend and have lots of fun. 

Monday, 23 September 2013

insta memoir

Moments of my life in Instagram. 

Have you noticed there is a theme running through my Instagram photos? I am in love with eating and drinking. If you fancy following along with me, my link is here

Here are just a few of my insta moments from the summer. Time to welcome Autumn.

What have been your best Instagram moments lately?

Monday, 22 July 2013

insta memoir

Moments of my life in Instagram.

Just a few of my insta moments from May and June.

What have been your best Instagram moments from last month?

I am off on my jolly holidays to Greece for two weeks tomorrow. I will schedule some posts for you as normal, and catch up on reading your lovely blogs when I get home. Bye for now.

Thursday, 13 June 2013

a photo a day for a year

This month I have begun a project to take a photo every day for a year. I thought it would be interesting to look back at what I had done over the year: a kind of snapshot diary. It was one of the things on my bucket list Make the most of June

Just as I was starting, I saw Chantelle's challenge, at Fat Mum Slimto post every day in June. So, I have joined in with that and taken her prompts for inspiration.

Then the lovely Stacia, at Simply Stacia, told me about the 365 Project ( all about  or  my page ), of which I knew nothing. For those who don't know, it is a website dedicated to those people who are going to take a photo a day for a whole year. You can use it any way you like and it stores your photo's on a calendar. It is also interesting to look at what others are doing.

I don't have the time to use my DSLR for this project. Rather, I am just going to keep it simple and use my iPhone. The photo's will be taken on, or very near, each date and will be just what I can manage on the day good, bad or indifferent.

Every day for a year...... I must be crazy!

Wednesday, 5 June 2013

insta memoir

Moments of my life in Instagram

Just a few of my insta moments from last month.

What have your best Instagram moments from last month?

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Thursday, 21 February 2013