Sunday, 22 June 2014

enjoy the little things

I have pondered on writing this post for a while now, as my blog is a place where I like to share good and positive things. But I have to be honest and admit that for a while lately it has been hard to see the good, well for the past six months actually.

We tend to 'get on with it' with our stiff British upper lip but I haven't found it that easy lately. For now, we take one day at a time unable to make plans with no security in sight which has taken its toll a bit. Along with job insecurity, insomnia, technical difficulties, a string of family events and friends who are having much greater personal crises than me, its been tough.

I haven't any energy left after I have been at work, which is a nearly six mile round walk away, so because of this my blog is starting to suffer along with keeping up with friends. However, I met up with a friend I hadn't seen for a while and she reminded me that there is no point in worrying about a day that may never come and to just concentrate on the now.

With this in mind, over the past few days I have been drawing a list up of things that make me smile and make me feel good. I have also dusted down my Happiness Project book written by Gretchin Rubin, which I recommend anyone to read. It made me feel positive just by reading it. It has lots of ideas to enhance happiness in everyday life and has laugh out loud moments. I am going to read it again as it filled me with such enthusiasm but sadly got put back on the shelf, as so often happens!

Being more mindful in everyday life is definitely something I need to be doing. Seeing the beauty around us, taking the time to slow down to enjoy the little things. Stopping to smell the roses!

I have found a lovely blog 'Positively Present,' by Dani Dipirro, which has lots of positive tips and advice for living in the moment. It also has a positive playlist which I love. Now a regular read for me!

I have also been reminding myself of happy times by looking through my Happy Book and my post 'ten things that make me happy.' I am determined to fill in more of the pages of my Happy Book with the things I love.

I want to put more time into the blog and get back to regular posting. An outfit post and a delicious recipe are two of the posts I am looking forward to sharing with you this week. Onwards and upwards!

My new mantra - Think positive and positive things will happen.

Have a lovely week.


  1. Beautifully said Rachel. I tend to be a worrier of money and what others think of me. I need to realize it doesn't matter what they think, I am not perfect or do what they do but I am me and need to accept that. I am sorry about things and people you know having it rough. It's awesome that you are choosing to be positive. Looking forward to your posts this week, Rachel xo

    1. Hi sweetie
      Thank you so much for your lovely comment. It means so much to me. You are right about people accepting you for the way you are. I can sometimes to get bogged down with what people think of me. I so hope you are having a good week.
      How wonderful to be chosen as one of your winners Rachel. It's such a lovely surprise! You have made my day. Unfortunately I haven't received an e-mail but I will send you an e-mail chic. Big hugs xxxx

  2. I'm a big stress head about everything, well I have stress and anxiety issues but that's a story for another day. what helps me a lot is crafting, especially sewing, anything that makes me really focus on a pattern, it takes my head away from whatever it's worrying about. But yeah, that time I spend worrying could certainly be ploughed into more projective things for sure and no matter how much worrying we do, it'll never change what's meant to happen.

    1. Thank you so much for your lovely comment Rachael. It's so kind of you. I think it's a great idea to spend time crafting and doing things that take your mind of the stress. I like photography and this keeps my mind occupied. You are right, we can't change what is going to happen. I hope you are having a lovely week chic.
      Big hugs xxxx

  3. I'm so sorry to hear that life has been tough of late. It's not easy to remain positive in the face of insecurity and anxiety. But you've clearly identified the need to try and take a different approach, and that's a great start to feeling better! I'm not much of a worrier, but it's taken a while to get to the point of recognising that there are some things we can't change, and no amount of fretting will make any difference. The only thing it does is make us feel bad. So yes, here's to onwards and upwards! xxx

    1. Thank you so much for your lovely comment Curtise. It really means a lot to me. You are right, you can't change what will happen by worrying about it. I need to remember this. I hope you are having a lovely week sweetie. Big hugs xxxx

  4. I can sympathise with you, as I've not had a great year either and it is so hard to not let everything get you down. It takes a fair bit of energy to keep up a positive attitude, but I'm trying to do that too at the moment!

    1. Hi Louise
      Thank you so much for your lovely comment. I agree, it does take a great deal of energy to stay positive. I'm so sorry it's been a tough year for you too. I'm sure I feel better when the weather is sunnier and warmer. Let's hope it stays nice so we can get outside and enjoy it. I hope you are having a good week chic.
      Big hugs xxxx

  5. Sorry to hear things are stressful Rachel....I have found the best thing to do is just totally live for the moment and forget about what will happen the next day or week! I just blog now too whenever I can get very busy sometimes! Have a good week,hope the sun stays shining:)
    ~Anne xx

    1. Thank you so much for your lovely comment Anne. It's so lovely of you. You are right about living for the moment, I'm definitely going to try and do this more as no amount of worrying is going to change things. I hope you are having a lovely week sweetie.
      Big hugs xxxx

  6. I agree with Anne just blog if and when you can, we all need time to ourselves. Take each day as it comes and try not to get too stressed with everything that's around, which I know is a lot easier said than done. We all have these times in our lives (I've had a lot) we just need to step back occasionally, things will get better xx

    1. Thank you so much for your lovely comment chic. It really means a lot to me. You are right about taking one day at a time and not worrying unnecessarily. I'm going to try and do this more. I hope you are having a lovely week.
      Big hugs xxxx

  7. Hey hu, I sent you an e-mail with details as you are one of my Mall of Style winners. Let me know if you got it. Thanks so much! Rachel xo

  8. I am really sorry you have been having a tough time, Rachel.
    Love your new mantra, here is to positive things. xx

    1. Thank you for your kind words sweetie. It really means a lot to me. I'm trying hard to be positive everyday. Have a lovely weekend xxx

  9. Awee Rachel hope you feel much better when you read this sorry it's also been busy for me to visit my favorite blogs like yours and also my own blog. With a small child it's not always easy but blogging for me is a hobby that i enjoy a lot but i try not to stress to much if i am not posting enough. At least i know people are not going to get too tired of earring me. LOL
    The best advise is to always think positive, trust me good things will come and when you least expect. :) But don't forget be thankful of what you have and what makes you happy and more good things will come. That is what I try to do everyday. Nothing is perfect and we only can make it better with the right attitude. I know sometimes it can be difficult but if you concentrate on the good stuff more good things will come to you. :)
    Take care and big hug from Toronto

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words and encouragement, Claudia. It really means a lot to me sweetie. Right now we are taking one day at a time and not thinking too far ahead. I'm trying hard to stay positive as that's all we can do isn't it!
      You are right about concentrating on the good stuff. I am definitely becoming much more mindful. I hope you are keeping well sweetie. xx